Grief Support Group
The care you need. Information you can trust.
After the funeral, when the cards and flowers have stopped coming, most of the people around you return to their normal lives. but your grief continues and you feel alone.
Often, friends and family want to help you, but don’t know how. That’s the reason for GriefShare. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and have successfully rebuilt their lives. We understand how you feel because we’ve been in the same place. We will walk with you on the long path through grief toward healing and hope for the future.
About GriefShare
GreifShare is a network of 12,000+ churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. The program is nondenominational and features biblical concepts for healing from your grief. Learn more about GriefShare at www.griefshare.org
What to expect
GreifShare is a support group that meets weekly. You’ll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief. There are three key parts to your GriefShare experience:
Video Seminar – Encouraging, information-packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts
Support Group – Small group discussion about the weekly video content
Workbook – Journaling and personal study exercises that reinforce the weekly session topics
Main Session
Monday Nights from 6:30-8:00pm in the lobby
Starting in Jan. and going through Apr.
Loss of a Spouse
One Night session from 6:30-8:30 in the lobby
Surviving the Holidays
Two One Night sessions from 6:30-8:30 in the lobby
Lorainne Grandidge – (401)316-0019
Ellery Hunsley – (317)431-9191

Widowed? Help is here and hope is possible
Do you dread the lonely days and nights? Wonder what to do with your spouse’s belongings? Feel like your brain is in a fog? Unsure of how you’ll go on?
At a Loss of a Spouse seminar you’ll discover:
• Other people understand and have found ways to make it through
• Why it won’t always hurt so much
• Reasons for hope
• Practical tips for coping with the death of a spouse

Help and hope as you navigate the holidays
Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from past years can’t be recreated?
At Surviving the Holidays seminar you’ll learn:
• How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
• What to do about traditions and other coming changes
• Helpful tips for surviving social events
• How to discover hope for your future